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To someone

if I took a shot for every thought of you

I wouldn't be standing anymore

such a short period of time filled with feelings

I asked for so long but now that you're gone

I'm afraid of what will be

what if we don't know what to talk about anymore

what if you don't remember those small details

I prefer white wine, soft toothbrushes and this side of bed

what if 86 days are too long and you forget what we had

I'm hoping that I am what's on your mind

not just at night but also while you explore those cities

while we're apart because you are

every message and every phone call makes me smile

like a kid who just got vanilla ice cream

but after that high I miss you even more

- to someone I adore

I'm not a poet. I'm not a writer. I'm just a girl who tries to be open about her feelings.

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